
Mitchell1 Manager SE ePart Integration v1

Overview for Mitchell1 Manager SE version 6.5 thru 8.4:

The ePartConnection catalog is not included with the Mitchell Manager SE programming so a few files need to be placed in a directory on each PC running Mitchell. An installer is provided to make installation quick and easy.

Installer Download:

Please note:

Destination directories:

Installation and setup:

  1. Completely close the Mitchell software.
  2. Run the ePartConnection.Mitchell.exe installer.
  3. Go back into Mitchell. If Mitchell was running when you ran the installer, close and restart the Mitchell program.
  4. Go to the Configurations menu. Hover over Special Maintenance and click Toggle Catalog Availability in the dropdown as shown below:

    Mitchell Screenshot

  5. Click the slider next to ePartConnection to enable ePartConnection in the Mitchell software.

    Catalog Selector

  6. Finally, go to the Configurations menu and click Vendor Setup. Select the vendor that you want to connect to using ePartConnection and either double-click that vendor or click the Edit button.
    Edit Vendor
    1. At the bottom of the Edit Vendor window, click the Setup Link button and add the necessary information needed to connect via ePart (Store ID, Customer #, and Password).
    2. Not all suppliers utilize Delivery Method. There is no need to change the default unless instructed to do so by your supplier.
    3. Not all suppliers utilize Fill Policy. There is no need to change the default unless instructed to do so by your supplier.
    4. Click OK on all the windows.